Trinity Place Foundation of Alberta

Trinity Place Foundation of Alberta (TPFA) has been managing and developing seniors housing since 1974. TPFA is a recognized leader in seniors’ issues with many innovative programs to minimize marginalization of low-income seniors and encourage aging in place. It envisions a future where appropriate housing is available for all seniors in Calgary.
Why do we need this building?

Right now 29% of Calgary seniors live on less than $28,000 a year, and 14.6% live below the low-income cut-off line. The current supply of affordable housing for seniors is not enough and won’t meet future demand as our senior population is on the rise. Most older rental units are not designed with accessibility features to permit older adults to live independently so we need to build more housing.

  • Build a new apartment building for up to 120 low-income seniors who are homeless or vulnerable to homelessness
  • Tenants pay rent based on their income so that it’s affordable.


  • Glenway Gate (pictured above) is owned and operated by TPFA and it will serve as the model for its RESOLVE project
  • People-centric design with elements for operational/energy efficiency
  • Commercial kitchen offers nutritious meals for seniors, an important element of healthy aging
  • 150-person multipurpose space can be used by tenants and the greater community for service clubs, classes and spiritual gatherings
  • Community space and commercial space are also opportunities to bring in the community and unite them with seniors which helps to reduce isolation and loneliness
  • Office space provides a safe place for seniors to meet with support workers


  • 24/7 on-site staff
  • Social workers advocate for seniors, provide tools to deal with emotional aspects of aging, and help them access health care, programs and services
  • Independent Living Skills workers help with daily living activities like shopping, meal preparation, housekeeping, laundry and cleaning routines
  • Events and activities like art classes, yoga and meditation classes, bingos, and crib nights
  • Health clinic offers primary health care as well as complementary access to services such as chronic disease management, smoking cessation, nutrition, pain management and recreation therapy
  • On-site nursing and physician care, Home Care and help with personal care

*Rendering and project features are subject to change

Lawrence Braul, Chief Executive Officer

“People develop vulnerabilities as they age. Stable housing is a critical element in everyone’s lives, yet there isn’t a lot of affordable housing in Calgary for low-income seniors. RESOLVE puts our city’s most marginalized at the forefront — and now corporate and private Calgary can be part of the mission.” — Lawrence Braul, Chief Executive Officer


“Having a roof over your head is everything. If you don’t have that, there’s nothing to look forward to.”

Read Virginia’s story.


View our other Partners:
Accessible Housing
Bishop O’Byrne Housing Association
Calgary Alpha House Society Calgary Homeless Foundation
Calgary John Howard Society
Horizon Housing Society
Silvera for Seniors
The Mustard Seed
Trinity Place Foundation of Alberta  

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